Advanced Pregnancy Massage Techniques
(item # NHA001VHS NHA002DVD)
This fifty-one minute, DVD program features advanced techniques for side-lying, pregnancy massage for professional therapists. It is based on the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Category-A approved certification course which has been presented by Niara Healing Arts since 1994.
The program features:
Pregnancy anatomy & physiology
Benefits of pregnancy massage
Complications of pregnancy
Contraindications for massage during pregnancy
Common discomforts of pregnancy
Body mechanics essentials for therapists
Table preparation, positioning and draping concerns
Goals for each trimester
A thorough demonstration of advanced Swedish, myofascial and mobilization techniques for the entire body
An informative, illustrated booklet is included.
"I've been working with pregnant women for 22 years and I feel that viewing this video is a must. Susanrachel and Richard are precise and clear. This program reflects their many years of practical, caring knowledge. This video will be part of my permanent, professional and often-used library."
- Alexis Phillips, LMT - Faculty, 14 years, Swedish Institute College of Massage Therapy & Allied Health Sciences, New York
"This video gives the massage therapist a clear, scientific description and understanding of anatomy as well as a lovely approach to providing a supportive atmosphere for the mother-to-be. These techniques are specific and well-grounded in the realities of the changing terrain in body-mind-spirit during pregnancy. Bravo!"
- Gina Martin, LMT AOBTA - Member, New York State Licensing Board
"This video is an excellent teaching tool. The demonstrations are clear and detailed. The thorough lecture can stand on its own or be a wonderful adjunct to any pregnancy massage course. This video is a must for any bodyworker treating pregnant clients."
- Shelley McGrew, LMT RN - Instructor of Perinatal Massage, Desert Institute of the Healing Arts, Tucson
"This comprehensive program includes everything I learned in physical therapy school and more. The instructions are clear and I was glad to see the abdominal massage. I highly recommend this video."
- Elizabeth Noble, PT - Author & Perinatal Educator, Founder of the Section on Women's Health for the American Physical Therapy Association
Partners in Pregnancy
(item # NHA002DVD)
~ suitable for couples, doctors, midwives, doulas,
childbirth educators & bodywork/massage practitioners ~
The 32 minute DVD program features:
Precautions about using the techniques safely
Exercises and stretches for labor companions to practice with their partners during pregnancy
Prenatal massage techniques for the back, neck, jaw, shoulders and abdomen
Labor positions to facilitate progress and empowerment
Massage techniques for laboring together in a variety of positions
Using a physioball ("birthing ball") during labor
Working with back pain in labor
Essential body mechanics and injury prevention strategies
An informative booklet about the stages of labor
"One of the most common questions asked by the partner of a pregnant/laboring woman is "what can I do to help her?" Here is a program that answers that question. Concrete ways to help the pregnant/laboring woman through massage, relaxation and positioning are demonstrated and explained. This is a great teaching tool for childbirth educators, midwives and doctors. And a MUST for expecting couples."
- Shelley McGrew RN, LMT, CCE
"Partners in Pregnancy is a relaxing, informative video for expecting couples. It is ideal for learning at home or in a classroom, walking couples through specific techniques that can help them through the pregnancy and labor process. The expertise and tenderness that Susanrachel and Richard bring to the audience is one-of-a-kind."
- Erica Lyon CCE - Director of Realbirth, author of The Big Book of Birth
"This video is an excellent resource for pregnant couples wanting to learn and practice massage techniques for pregnancy, labor and birth. As an adjunct to childbirth preparation classes, it provides clear and accessible examples explained and demonstrated with care and love. Childbirth educators and other health care professionals can use this video to expand and improve their understanding of massage in pregnancy, labor and birth. It's a MUST for every care provider's lending library!"
- Ellen Chuse CCE & Certified Holistic Pregnancy Counselor, Past President Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York
"Truly hands-on mother-care by experts for non-experts... Use the Condon's approach during pregnancy to alleviate soreness and muscle aches. Every pregnant woman deserves these treatments every day! Susanrachel and Richard demonstrate specific massage techniques and physical support positions for a variety of labor situations all geared toward facilitating normal birth."
- Gail Krebs MBA, CCE - Author & CEO of the Maternity Wellness Corporation, Originator of the Bloom! Maternity Wellness Program
"This video is like a tool box for expecting couples. It is well-paced, very imformative and concise. The program offers easy-to-follow, practical approaches to pregnancy and labor. No matter what sort of birth experience is hoped for, this program will build confidence in both experienced and novice birth companions. The music is great, too!"
- Martine Jean-Baptiste CCE, CNM
$10.00 plus $5.00 shipping/handling.
Call 845-256-5430 to use a credit card over the phone.
New Paltz , New York